Log into WordPress
Log in with your umich credentials
Enter your website URL in the Address bar after opening your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
Before hitting enter, add “/wp-admin” to the end of your website URL to access the login page for the backend of the site. For example, Chemical Engineering’s login page will be at che-dev-01.engin.umich.edu/wp-admin
Do not enter anything into the username or password fields, simply click on the Google icon and use your Kerberos credentials to log in. This will take you to your WordPress dashboard. You can do all of your editing and site management from the dashboard
Editing shortcut!
Once you’re logged in, a black admin bar will appear across the top of the page. It has several options, one of which is “Edit Page.” To quickly get to the editing screen for any page on your site, navigate to that page while logged in and click, “Edit page.”